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Did you say free? Yes, I did!

There's been a lot rattling around in the twisted mind of Heather Miles, but while you think it's been all hot plots and new sex-laden, mouth-watering novels (those too), it's been a feeling. Yes, a feeling. It could be more, better, perfect prose, more show – less tell, more concise. Just…better. That it was unfinished business. I needed to fix it because I am a perfectionist at heart and couldn’t just sit back on it while it drove me crazy. I did the unthinkable. What you say? Well...I am better than the original version of MERGER. Yes, it's true. Look at book two shine brightly and book three is even better. Anyway as I push the button on the box set tonight at 11:00 pm, I wanted to go into tomorrow's trip to the national Romance Writer's Conference with Merger on the back burner. I want to go there with confidence that I've done all I can. All I can say now is...WOW! I rewrote the darn thing. You heard me. I line edited it to perfection and with the help of a very awesome friend in Texas, we tackled the hardest thing ever - a rewrite. Most people won't ever do it. They think, "well I'll just do better next time" or, "so it's not my best work." I assure you that every author has a book out there that they wish wasn't on the market or one they credit to youthful writing, inexperience and lack of craft. Merger was that book for me. But no more!!!

I republished the first book and I'm going to gift it to anyone who can prove they own the original. My gift to you for your review and your loyalty. I'm better than my first book and with SAYING YES in the works to be published by a big publishing house, it was only right to leave MERGER in the best possible standing. I am offering an e-book version only. Sorry for you diehard bound book junkies. For anyone that didn't buy it originally and really, really want the opportunity to get me to gift you a copy, feel free to ask. I'm feeling generous. If I don't oblige you, it's only .99 cents. It's that good! As a matter of fact, if I get the contract I want, I'm asking them to take all the books on for rebranding and republishing.

I will put out the box set tonight. I need to format and upload. That's it...Merger is done. I'll be going into the national conference pitching PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE and DESIRED. The excerpts from those books are on the front page of the website. Help yourself to a teaser or two. In the meantime, blog me a request for the book, send me an email at or Tweet me that you have to have it. You can go to my author page and plead lovingly that you'd review it for a free copy. I'll be listening and waiting for anyone that wants to delve back in. I have such loyal fans. I love you guys.

So box set tonight and the rest is history. I am going to have a Merger and Martini's party in my hometown at the end of summer and I will post it here. I know that takes most of you out of the mix, but coming to the Mississippi Delta is more than just me. I'm really just an added bonus! So…come if you can!

It's a journey not a race and as I move forward I hope that you'll stay tried and true. Life is good

Here's just a couple of bonuses as I leave for the "Big Apple" on a happy high in life. My favorite drink, my best appetizer that makes men beg (can't go wrong with that -she winks-) and what I'm listening to.

Cucumber-Jalapeno Margaritas

Chocolate Covered Bacon

Nina Simone - I Put A Spell On You

Happy reading! Stay tuned in and turned on!

Heather M. Miles

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