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Turn the Page Saturday!

The sun is finally out. Bye, bye rain...thank goodness. The espresso is flowing freely from my uber expensive espresso machine. (There is no substitute when it comes to home espresso machines. Go high end, or go out and get it from your local Starbucks). And I sit at the computer dolled up and ready to tackle another day of novel writing. It's all about MERGER UNDONE. I won't stop till it's finished. I owe my MERGER fans a great deal of respect for their continued loyalty. I got sidetracked with Saying Yes, and despite how proud I am of the work, I wouldn't pitch a book that I hadn't even started again. I know now that I can't control everything and even though I can write fairly quickly, it has been one thing or another keeping me from writing book two in my series.

I will have you know that it would be much further along than the current 40K words but I have written the beginning of MERGER UNDONE twice. Yes...twice. Does Josh get on the plane with K.K.? Or not? Does she even allow him to get on the plane after the nightmare of events at Crawford Enterprises? After writing it both ways, I decided that he will...oh, can't say:) You'll have to wait it out. But I wanted to let you know that it’s progressing nicely. I had forgotten how much I adore Jake Crawford, playboy brother of my hero, Joshua. God is he sexy and always in the right place at the right time. His friendship will be paramount in book two, for Josh and K.K. Could you have predicted book one would have ended in such a mess? Maybe K.K. should go back and hit that bit**, Megan, one more time. I think I'd feel better if she did. (ha! ha!)

SAYING YES is getting the final touches by my critique partners then it’s out the door. Harlequin wants the first dibs but I think I'm going to send it to five or six other publishing houses. I am giving them three months max to decide if they want it and if they don't I'm going to self-publish it. I have already purchased a cover and I'm really happy with the manuscript. It's a story that takes hold and keeps you captivated.

Have a wonderful Saturday.

Check back often and keep reading!

Heather M. Miles


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