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Romance Writers Galore

Okay, so I arrived Wednesday morning in San Antonio for the national conference of Romance Writers of America, my governing organization. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to just get a glimpse of the woman who'd written some of the most amazing books. One's that left me breathless and eager to have more. However, something funny happened when I arrived. I was surround by a group of people that didn't look like the hot amazing woman in the books I’d read about, not that I do either, but when I say astounding...I mean it. Some of the hottest writers of Erotica are 50 year old soccer moms, other writers of contemporary romance, are average everyday wives and business people. Social workers, lawyers, yoga get my drift. Now, I certainly cannot lump Sylvia Day into the group, because let’s face it she's as hot as her books. She was the keynote speaker and in a flaming red dress with her raven black hair, she was stunning. But all this said, it was a surreal moment. I was surrounded with people that do what I want to do - write romance (maybe a little erotica too!).

I've met woman that bring home half a million dollars a year and are self-publishing a book a month. Wow! Others, have contracts or are here fishing for a new contract, new editor, new agent or new publisher. Everyone with the same goals: "SOLD". We all wear our name tags stating the various stages we are in the process. Published, First Timer, PRO, Agent, Publisher, Volunteer and while the entire experience has been the most enriching, it's also been very daunting. I'm no wallflower, but I have really had to come out of a small town shell and grasp what I believe can rightfully be mine. I work daily to hone the craft of writing. Improving line by line and critique by critique.

Book two MERGER UNDONE is almost complete, but my new single title may be the grand winner. Only time will tell. Till then, I'm going to take advantage of the rest of my time in San Antonio learning the business and craft of writing and how to be the next "big thing." Stay tuned for the rest of the story and please, please, please offer your review of MERGER on Amazon or Goodreads. I'd love the feedback!

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