Pushing Forward
So, I've taken this leap and now it's all about pushing forward. I have almost completed book two of Merger and when I need to get a break, I work on another project, both of which I'm super excited about.
Merger Undone, has taken more than its fair share of turns as I try to get it just where I want it. I hope you will all be happy with the results. Some author's cling to the "happily ever after" and others to the "happily right now." I hope the results will please everyone. K.K and Josh have been on one heck of a journey: ) Stay posted and I will make sure everyone gets the news of its release.
Regardless, I have a lot going on. I am going to have a book signing in the next couple of weeks and will keep everyone posted on that date. I was also asked by the Cleveland Bolivar County Library to be their featured author for the Luncheon with Books on September 9th. I will be talking about the process of writing and how I am working to improve my craft, which is no easy task. Writing is always a work in progress.
I am looking for a couple of Beta Readers (friends that would give feedback and an ongoing critique of a manuscript before it goes to the editor). If you enjoy reading Contemporary Romance and have the time to devote, please contact me at me@heathermiles.net
Oh, and here's what I've learned so far in the amazing journey of writing...have thick skin. You can't please everyone.
Happy Reading!
Heather M. Miles