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Self Publishing?

I have been toying with the idea of self-publishing my novel. I have worked hard to create interest through my blogs, facebook and twitter, but I'm unable to put the book in your hands unless I self-publish and give you the ability to download it instantly. This may seem like such an easy decision, but it's not!

Getting an agent and publisher, while it is a daunting task, validates an author's work. It means that someone else likes your work enough to promote it and get into the hands of vendors I wouldn't typically be able to reach. On the other hand, there is a whole new world of self-published authors who believe that having an agent and publisher is no longer the way to go. While they do promote you to the masses, they also take all the profit as well.

I must say this up front, I'm not concerned about the money. I know! I know! That's an advantage I have. This is a secondary career move and while I would love to be the next "big thing" and be able to fully support myself on writing, I have the luxury of another career. So, with that said, maybe getting it out there and into the hands of my tiny fan base is the way to go.

I'm going to give myself one week to mull it over, talk to as many contacts as possible on the subject and then I'll either jump in with both feet to self-publish or wait and go the traditional route.

In the meantime, I'm writing book two!

Heather Miles

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