Prescription for Love: A "Flirty Friday" treat!
Happy Friday my friends. It's Easter weekend and though it holds religious significance I say we bypass the actual meaning for something...

MERGER UNDONE, book two in the MERGER series is finally out the door and available in print through Createspace and Amazon. The ebook...

Excerpt from Merger Undone!
Let me explain why this book is critical and taking more time than anticipated. As a matter of fact, I reached out to a reader and asked...

Love is in the air!
It is that time of year again. The day when you let the people in your life know how much they mean to you. That your life is richer for...

Timing Is Everything!
Here's the recent blog post of wrote for Contemporary Romance Writers. I started my writing career with the idea that I would write a...

Turn the Page Saturday!
The sun is finally out. Bye, bye rain...thank goodness. The espresso is flowing freely from my uber expensive espresso machine. (There is...

Saying Yes - The first introduction of Lake Mitchell
Saying Yes By Heather Miles Excerpt from Chapter 2 As a clinical psychologist, Eliza had gained a strong reputation and notoriety in the...

Welcome to 2015 - Out with the old, and in with the new!
New Year's Resolutions - What's your? It's that time of year again. Another year gone and a new start to 2015. It's a time of reflection...

It's The Final Day of The 12 Days of Christmas!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Merry Christmas! It's the day we dish out the prizes! We've been telling you to go out and...

Day 11 of the Author Blog Hop!
Happy Christmas Eve! Today's Featured Author: Aidy Award Amazon: http://amzn.to/1yYwv2k B&N: http://bit.ly/1phCvjF iBooks:...